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Use Tailscale to Ensure Remote Host Access

You can use Tailscale on your Palette Edge hosts to ensure remote access to your Edge hosts that are connected to the internet. Tailscale provides point-to-point, full-mesh VPN networking with high levels of performance and security. With Tailscale installed, you can use always SSH to access your Edge hosts that have internet access, even if your Edge hosts experience problems with Kubernetes.


  • Tailscale magicDNS is not compatible with network overlay in Edge clusters. If your Edge cluster has network overlay enabled, you must disable MagicDNS in Tailscale or ensure you don't use the DNS server that MagicDNS configures.


  • A Tailscale account. Visit Tailscale official website to register a Tailscale account.

  • A Tailscale authorization key. We recommend you use a reusable, non-ephemeral key that automatically tags the devices with one or more tags. For more information about auth keys, refer to Tailscale documentation.

  • A host machine with an AMD64 processor architecture. You will use this host machine to build Edge artifacts using CanvOS.

  • At least one Edge device with an AMD64 processor architecture registered with your Palette account.

  • Your Edge devices must be able to connect to Tailscale. This usually means the Edge device must have an internet connection.

  • An external volume that can be flashed with the Edge installer ISO. For example, a USB drive.

  • This how-to uses the EdgeForge workflow to build artifacts used to provision Edge hosts. Review EdgeForge Workflow to become familiar with how to build EdgeForge artifacts.

Use Tailscale to Remotely Connect to Your Edge Cluster

  1. Check out the CanvOS GitHub repository. Change to the CanvOS directory and choose a version tag.

  2. Add the following content to the end of the file Dockerfile to include the Tailscale package in the Edge OS build:

    RUN curl -fsSL "" | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null && \
    curl -fsSL "" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list && \
    apt update -y && \
    apt install -y tailscale && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

    If you already have commands in your Dockerfile that install packages, you can either merge these together with the above content, or keep them as separate RUN statements. Note that every RUN statement creates its own image layer and fewer layers are generally better.

  3. Review the .arg.template file containing the customizable arguments and create an .arg file. Below is a command you can use to create an example .arg file. For more information, refer to the Build Edge Artifacts guide.

    cat << EOF > .arg
  4. Issue the command below to save your tenant registration token to an environment variable. Replace [your_token_here] with your actual registration token.

    export token=[your_token_here]
  5. Issue the following command to create the user-data file. Note that we're adding a bind mount for /var/lib/tailscale to ensure the state of Tailscale is persisted across node reboots.

    cat << EOF > user-data
    edgeHostToken: $token
    projectName: Default
    name: edge-randomid
    poweroff: true
    - /var/lib/tailscale
    - name: kairos
    passwd: kairos
  6. Next, add a stages block to the user-data file to automatically enable Tailscale and register the Edge device. Replace $AUTH-KEY with your authorization key from Tailscale:

    - name: "Register device with Tailscale"
    if: '[ ! -f "/run/cos/recovery_mode" ] && ! grep _current-profile /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.state'
    - |
    ID=$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid)
    if [ -f /oem/tailscale/tailscaled.state ]; then
    systemctl stop tailscaled
    cp /oem/tailscale/tailscaled.state /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.state
    systemctl start tailscaled
    tailscale up --ssh --hostname="edge-${ID}"
    tailscale up --authkey=$AUTH-KEY --ssh --hostname="edge-${ID}"
    mkdir /oem/tailscale
    cp /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.state /oem/tailscale/tailscaled.state
    - name: "Enable Tailscale"
    if: '[ ! -f "/run/cos/recovery_mode" ] && grep _current-profile /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.state'
    - |
    ID=$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid)
    tailscale up --ssh --hostname="edge-${ID}"

    If you already have a stages block in your user-data file, you must merge the existing block together with the above content. The stages block is based on Kairos cloud-init stages. For more information on cloud init stages, refer to Cloud Init Stages.


In the above stages block, you are using the device ID of your Edge device that is read from the file /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid, as the hostname with which to register your device with Tailscale. For more information about how this ID is generated, refer to Install Configurations.

If you want to use a different hostname, especially when using the deviceUIDPaths parameter in the user-data, you can adjust the two ID=$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) lines in the content above to match your custom device naming configuration.

  1. Build the Edge device installation ISO and providers images.

    sudo ./ +build-all-images

    This command may take up to 15-20 minutes to finish depending on the resources of the host machine. Upon completion, the command will display the manifest that you must use in your cluster profile to deploy your cluster.

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  2. Afterward, push the provider images to an image registry. For more information, refer to Build Edge Artifacts.

  3. Flash your external volume with the Edge installer ISO image. You can use balena etcher or any other tool of your choice to flash your volume.

  4. Plug the external volume into your Edge device and boot up the device using the volume to prepare your Edge device for installation. For more information, refer to Prepare Edge Host for Installation.

  5. Remove the volume and boot up your device again to register your Edge host. If the Edge host has internet access, it will start up Tailscale and register your device with Tailscale.


  1. Log in to Tailscale console.

  2. In the Machines tab, your Edge device is displayed in the Machines list. You can SSH to your host from any device that is also connected to your Tailscale network. Check out the Tailscale SSH documentation page to learn more about SSH with Tailscale.


All Traffic Dropped for CIDR Range

Tailscale uses the range of IP addresses for your Tailnets. That means that by default, this address range, or parts of it, cannot be used for any of the following:

  • Kubernetes cluster pod CIDR
  • Kubernetes cluster service CIDR
  • Palette Edge Overlay network CIDR

Debug Steps

If you want to use parts of the range for your Kubernetes clusters or your Palette Edge Overlay networks, you must limit the IP address range that your Tailnet uses to a fraction of the range. Use the following steps to limit your Tailnet range:

  1. First, configure an IP Pool in Tailscale. We have found the following configuration works well to assign addresses in the new range to all nodes:

      "nodeAttrs": [
    "target": ["*"],
    "ipPool": [""],
  2. Next, in the OS pack of your cluster profile, add the following:

    - name: "Tailscale fix systemD unit service"
    - path: /etc/systemd/system/tailscale-iptables-fix.service
    permissions: 0644
    owner: 0
    group: 0
    content: |
    Description=Tailscale iptables fix service
    - name: "Tailscale fix systemD unit timer"
    - path: /etc/systemd/system/tailscale-iptables-fix.timer
    permissions: 0644
    owner: 0
    group: 0
    content: |
    Description=Tailscale iptables fix schedule
    - name: "Tailscale adjustment script"
    - path: /etc/palette/
    permissions: 0755
    owner: 0
    group: 0
    content: |
    if iptables -L ts-input | grep DROP | grep; then
    RULEFWD=$(iptables -L ts-forward --line-numbers | grep DROP | grep | awk '{print $1}')
    RULEINP=$(iptables -L ts-input --line-numbers | grep DROP | grep | awk '{print $1}')
    iptables -R ts-forward $RULEFWD -s -o tailscale0 -j DROP
    iptables -R ts-input $RULEINP -s -o tailscale0 -j DROP
    - name: "Reduce scope of traffic dropped by Tailscale to just the Tailscale ipPool"
    - |
    systemctl enable tailscale-iptables-fix.service
    systemctl enable tailscale-iptables-fix.timer
    systemctl start tailscale-iptables-fix.timer

    This will ensure Tailscale does not drop traffic for IP ranges that it doesn't own. This is due to a known bug in Tailscale. Even though we restricted the IP Pool, Tailscale still puts in iptables rule on every node that drops unknown traffic from any address in the entire range.